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The purpose of workshops is to provide a more interactive and focused platform for presenting and discussing new and emerging ideas. The format of paper presentations may include oral presentations, poster presentations, keynote lectures and panels. Depending on the number of presentations, workshops can be scheduled for 1 day or 2 days. All accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book, under an ISBN reference, and on digital support. All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library. SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The proceedings are submitted for indexation by Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index, DBLP, EI and SCOPUS.


SKY 20156th International Workshop on Software Knowledge (IC3K)
Chair(s): Iaakov Exman, Juan Llorens and Anabel Fraga

KITA 20151st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and aggregations (IC3K)
Chair(s): Federico Cabitza, Angela Locoro and Aurelio Ravarini

6th International Workshop on
Software Knowledge
 - SKY 2015


Iaakov Exman
School of Computer Science, HIT = Holon Institute of Technology
Juan Llorens
Carlos III of Madrid University
Anabel Fraga
Carlos III of Madrid University

“Software Knowledge” – in short SKY – means that software in its higher abstraction levels is a new kind of knowledge, Runnable knowledge as an end goal. Thus, the classes and relationships of a software system design are easily viewed as classes and relationships in a knowledge ontology.
For further details visit
The main theme of the SKY2015 Workshop is Big Data in Software Knowledge. The exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured is the main focus point for SKY2015. Time is ripe to investigate the promising implications of Big Data and new ideas on how to deal with huge amounts of Knowledge in the System Environments.

1st International Workshop on
the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and aggregations
 - KITA 2015


Federico Cabitza
Department of Informatics, Systemics and Communication, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca and IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi
Angela Locoro
Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca
Aurelio Ravarini
CETIC, Università Carlo Cattaneo

Broadly meant, a Knowledge Artifact (KA) is any artifact purposely built to support knowledge-related processes; these latter include archival of and access to knowledge sources, knowledge sharing & exchange, its retrieval and exploitation, its production & learning (internalization). For this reason, KAs come in very different formats and types: just to limit ourselves to the electronic KAs, what we can denote as Knowledge IT artifacts (to hint at those specific IT artifacts, i.e., applications and software platforms, that specifically support knowledge
creation and sharing), examples include:
• decision support systems that convey the most pertinent items from the knowledge bodies mentioned above according to the situation or the user requests, profiles and needs;
• online digital platforms enabling an aggregation of firms (a cluster, a supply chain) to share valuable knowledge in order to achieve specific strategic aims (such as internationalization, new product development, lean production);
• online wiki encyclopedias and manuals that represent objectively, if not structuredly (e.g., ontologically) a body of specialist knowledge;
• multimedia learning software that integrate different content sources and interactive techniques to have users develop both intellectual and practical competencies on the basis of the knowledge embedded in the artifacts.
